Araujo Pedro (2024). "« Faire un mariage convenable ». Persistance de l'endogamie parmi les élites patriciennes à Genève (1890-1957)." Traverse 2004/3: 59-71.
Benz Pierre, Araujo Pedro, Rossier Thierry and Strebel Michael A. (2024). "The Front and the Back Stage of Power: Formal and Informal Social Capital among Business Elites in the Three Largest Swiss Cities, 1890-2000". Sociology (online first).
Benz Pierre, Araujo Pedro, Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Mach André, Piguet Steven, Strebel Michael A. and Widmer Emilie (2024). "The Swiss Patrician Families between Decline and Persistence: Power Positions and Kinship Ties (1890-1957)." Social Science History 48(2): 331-360.
Araujo Pedro and Davoine Eric (2023). "Vers une nouvelle fabrique des dirigeants suisses ? Les cabinets internationaux d'audit et de conseil." Sociologies Pratiques 47: 33-44.
Araujo Pedro and Bühlmann, Felix (2023). "Les élites bancaires suisses : entre localisme et transnationalisme." Revue française de sociologie 64(1-2): 85-110.
Araujo Pedro and Davoine Eric (2023). "How Mobile is the Transnational Business Elite? Evidence from the Swiss Banking Executives." Global Networks 00: e12461.
Araujo Pedro, Davoine Eric and Donzé Pierre-Yves (2023). "Banking Elites and the Transformations of Capitalism in Switzerland: A Prosopographic Analysis (1890-2020)." Business History (online first).
Mach André and Araujo Pedro (2018). "Longévité des familles à la tête des banques privées suisses. Trois exemples de trajectoires contrastées." Revue vaudoise de généalogie et d'histoire des familles 2017: 49-61.
Crevoisier Olivier, Theurillat Thierry and Araujo Pedro (2011). "Les territoires de l'industrie financière : quelles suites à la crise de 2008-2009?" Revue d'Economie Industrielle 134: 133-158.
Benz Pierre, Rossier Thierry and Araujo Pedro (2024). "The role of research topics on securing funding and careers for Swiss sociologists." Bulletin of the Swiss Sociological Association 165: 37-45.
Araujo Pedro. "Behind Closed Doors: Methodological Reflections on Interviewing Banking Elites."
Araujo Pedro and Benz Pierre. "It's a Family Affair? From Local Ruling Dynasties to Global Business Elites in the Swiss Chemical Industry (1890-2020)."
Araujo Pedro and Davoine Eric. "The Organizational Capital: How Stints at UBS and Credit Suisse Pave the Path to Elite Careers".
Mach André, Araujo Pedro, Benz Pierre, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy and Strebel Michael A. (eds.). (2024). Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020). Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Araujo Pedro and Davoine Eric (2024). "Les dirigeant·e·s des grandes entreprises : appartenance familiale et parcours internationaux", in Mach André et al. (eds.), Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020), pp. 117-134, Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Benz Pierre, Araujo Pedro, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Mach André and Strebel Michael A. (2024). "Les logiques résidentielles : suburbanisation, différenciations et rapprochements", in Mach André et al. (eds.), Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020), pp. 81-100, Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Araujo Pedro, Benz Pierre, Debluë Claire-Lise, Mach André and Strebel Michael A. (2024). "Les familles patriciennes : entre persistance et effacement", in Mach André et al. (eds.), Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020), pp. 39-56, Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Mach André, Araujo Pedro, Benz Pierre, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy and Strebel Michael A. (2024). "Transformations des élites urbtaines : périodisation et dynamiques structurelles", in Mach André et al. (eds.), Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020), pp. 101-108, Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Strebel Michael A., Araujo Pedro, Benz Pierre, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy and Mach André (2024). "Les réseaux de pouvoir des élites urbaines : du local au transnational", in Mach André et al. (eds.), Élites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020), pp. 57-79, Neuchâtel: Alphil.
Araujo Pedro (2018). "Dynamics of internationalization. A sequential analysis of the careers of Swiss banking elites", in Korsnes Olav et al. (eds), New Directions in Elite Studies, pp. 73-89, London: Routledge.
Livi Christian, Araujo Pedro and Crevoisier Olivier (2017). "The Territories of Sustainable Innovation: From Local Milieux to Responsible Communication. The Case of Photovoltaics and Sustainable Finance in Western Switzerland", in Kebir Leila et al. (eds.), Sustainable Innovation and Regional Development. Rethinking Innovative Milieus, pp. 27-49, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Araujo Pedro, Bornatici Christina and Heers Marieke (2024). "Recognising Open Research Data in Research Assessment: Overview of Practices and Challenges."
Araujo Pedro, Bornatici Christina, Ochsner Michael and Heers Marieke (2024). "Assessing and Enabling Open Research Data Practices in Swiss Higher Education Institutions: A Comprehensive Landscape Analysis."
Araujo Pedro and Bühlmann Felix (2015). "Swiss banking elites: between internationalization and national careern patterns." Working Papers LIVES 35: 31 p.
Livi Christian, Araujo Pedro and Crevoisier Olivier (2012). "Les territoires de l'innovation « durable »: des milieux locaux à la communiaction « responsable ». Le cas du photovoltaïque et de la finance durable en Suisse occidentale." Working Paper MAPS 5: 34 p.
Araujo Pedro (2020). "The New Swiss Banking Elite? Plurality and Polarization of Careers." Dissertation, University of Lausanne.
Mach André, Ginalski Stéphanie, Davoine Eric, Leimgruber Matthieu, Strebel Michael A., Piguet Steven, Araujo Pedro, Benz Pierre, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Widmer Emilie, Antoniazza Baptiste & Plüss Jonas (2025). "OBELIS Swiss Local Elites (Basel, Geneva and Zurich) (Version 1.0)." [Data set]. FORS.
Araujo Pedro, Bornatici Christina, Ochsner Michael & Heers Marieke (2024). "Replication material for: Assessing and Enabling Open Research Data Practices in Swiss Higher Education Institutions: A Comprehensive Landscape Analysis." FORS.
Bornatici Christina, Araujo Pedro, Heers Marieke, Ochsner Michael & Ramseyer Nils (2024). "recORD - Landscape analysis of open research data assessment practices within Swiss higher education institutions (Version 1.0)." [Data set]. FORS.